Saturday, April 25, 2009

The garden is beginning!

The earliest goodies in the garden are beginning to peek out at us from the winters dried leaves and the earliest springs weeds that haven't yet been pulled. Above is the dogwood from the back garden. This was a "throw away" from a local nursery many years ago, and Mr. Bryant rescued it, planted it, and take a look at it now! Plants are wonderfully resilliant - sometimes surprising everyone.

Here is a view of some of the things I found on this first of many garden walks.... I hope you enjoy these photos, and that all of you are enjoying a wonderful spring!

The Camellia usually begins things, right by the front door.

Some of the first flowers to bloom every year, these old perennials make me smile each time I see them!

These little pinks are a delight, and I plan to plant more.

The wandering Lady Banks is a favorite splash of yellow in the front garden.

The azaleas come in full right after Easter every year.

The back garden pink dogwood, close up - too beautiful to miss!


Nilla said...

Beautiful! Must be great to see the spring (summer?)coming like that, today we had 38C, very hot! hugs from Nilla

Chrissie said...

What lovely photographs and what green-fingered gardeners!


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