Friday, March 19, 2010

A nice walk

Spring is starting to come at last. I wonder if it is because we welcomed it with family dinner, singing and laughing about spring and summer, talking about vacations, having Banana Pudding cupcakes. Maybe....but I am sure it is on the way. I can tell, because the flowers are coming.

Mr. Bryant and I took Gizmo for a walk on Saturday early in the day. We knew he was as tired of walking in the dark, in the rain, as we were of taking him out them. Sometimes in winter you almost forget what the world looks like in the light of the day. So off we went through the fields near the house, and we found some treasures. It was still brisk even though it was the middle of the day, but Mr. Bryant found the first flowers I have seen this spring. Up before even the Crocus, these tiny little things were just blooming their hearts out for us!

The grass was starting to green, as were the trees, even though most everything remained brown and red (from that Carolina Clay).

And in that clay we found these large deer tracks. It makes me smile to think that the deer are able to come out at night and kick up their heels in the fields around the neighborhood! They are getting a place to run and play, and that makes me not only feel like spring is just around the corner - it makes me feel like we are living peacefully with other creatures, right here, right now.

When we got home we spent some time grooming Gizmo. He was covered in burrs. Now I can't IMAGINE how he finds them, seriously. In all the time we were walking, I only saw this One Stalk! He is a "sticky thing magnet," I declare.

1 comment:

Kay Dennison said...

Gizmo is indeed a cutie!!!! And yes!!!! We actually have Spring in Ohio, too!!!!!


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