Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I joined a web site where you can take free art lessons at your own pace.  There are a lot of different class opportunities on the web site, you can check it out here - flutterbye.  What captured my interest was the course on doing stylized portraits.  Drawing faces has always confounded me, and I would love to learn the way.  I certainly believe that practice will make me better - but also believe that there is some basic process that I need to understand.  And so I started last evening.

I read all the pre-drawing materials and then took out a mechanical lead pencil and just started.  I watched a few of the videos to make sure I knew how to begin, and found that I actually could make some facial features.  This is not going to be easy for me though, but I am determined to figure it out.  I want to be able to illustrate my ideas for my writing!

So then, to my amazement, look who I found peeking out of my notebook before bed!

First Flutterbye Face


Mage said...

It's a really good start.

Anonymous said...

How neat. I am going to check this site for sure. Congratulations. Dianne

Judy Nolan said...

Faces are hard to draw--your first effort is great! Thanks for the link to the lesson site...I will have to check that out.


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