Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Thursday Thirteen - Random

1) It is easy to think you can come up with thirteen things to share - but it is more difficult than expected to get them down on paper.

2) Seriously, when you decide to be happy, your life gets happier.

3) Family is wonderful and matters all your life. Making time for family is hard to do, but it pays incredible dividends. So go call your mother.

4) Relationships are the bedrock of family life and our society. A commitment to relationship is a commitment to talk to people, to stay in relationship when the going gets really hard, to be open, to listen, to learn, and to love.

5) Living who you are is the hardest and simplest thing you can do to
make your life better, right now.

6) It takes much longer to get physically fit as you get older. Heed the warning and go exercise, Right Now!

7) It is impossibly hard to lose the last ten pounds. Impossibly hard, I tell you.

8) As fast as I work, I can’t seem to work fast enough to get things done early, and so I feel like I am always rushing around. Some of my colleagues take their time at work, and I appreciate them for it. I just haven’t figured out how they do it!

9) I am in love with fonts. They let you do incredible things to documents, headings, publishing. I am finding some very cool ones and want to play with them more.

10) On Friday last week I fell off the bike and then got in a fight. And yes, Mr. Bryant, I learned my lesson from it.

11) I finally notice my legs are getting stronger and I can ride much faster. Hooray!

12) Sometimes even the very best people can be absolute creeps. Usually, they recognize it – later.

13) My kittens are simply amazing. The next 13 things will be all about these Maine Coon Kittens.



Tabor said...

Congrats. Never been able to write this with any consistency.

Linda said...

Wow, those kittens are growing and becoming more beautiful by the day.

You seem to be making good progress working on your health. Good for you!


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